Statement of Faith

• We believe there only One True God, the creator of the universe.

• We believe in Triune of God, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

• We believe the Scriptures inspired which is the Holy Spirit reveal God to man.

• We believe man Sins against God by eaten the forbidden fruit from the tree of good and evil.

• We believe in Salvation which comes from Jesus Christ.  Repents, accept and believe that He is the Son of God.

• We believe in Miracles, a divine healing and casting out demons which came from God.

• We believe the Church the body of Christ set forth by Jesus to spread the Words of God to all nations.

• We believe in Final Judgment which Jesus will judge in righteousness for each and everyone according to theirs deeds.

• We believe in Reigns for Thousand Years with Christ in Heaven in tribulation.

• We believe in New Heaven and New Earth, those who believe in the name of Jesus shall award as heritage of the new Heaven and new Earth forever and ever.

Lus povthawj

Lus povthawj ua timcawv qhia txog Vajtswv Yexus lub fwjchim. Yog tias koj ntseeg Nws tiag tiag hauv koj lubsiab Nws yuav pab koj ibyam li Nws twb pab cov uas hais losnov.

Vajtswv muaj fwjchim

Vajtswv pab tau

Lus povthawj "Huas"

Lus txhawbzog

Lus txhawbzog hauv Vajtswv yog ibyam uas tuavrub tau koj lubsiab kom ntev. Yuav cobqhia koj kom txawj nrog Vajtswv Yexus sibraug zoo ua tau lubneej tshav ntujnrig.

Yuavcia leejtwg kav

Tus ntseeg txojkev ntseeg

Uacas tsis muajli ntiajteb

Ua neej rau Vajtswv

Kevntseeg raug quabyuam

Lus txhawbzog ntxhiv

Nyeem Vajtswv txojlus thiaj pab tau txojkev ntseeg ruaj khov kho nrog Yexus koom ua ib,txawm yog muaj cua-daj cua-dub ntsawj los thiajli sawv khov kho.

Lubcev uas ntauscim

Yuav ualicas txog saumntuj

Ua-neej xavtau zooxwb

Puas tseemnoj txobtxiv Nkauj-iab noj