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Zoo-siab ua koj tau tuaj ncig txog ntawm no. Ciali mus ncig saib yog hais tias muajlus noog lossis xav paubntxiv. Ciali sau ntawv email rau peb txaus siab yuav teb rau koj. Ua tsaug thiab cia peb tus Tswv ua yog peb Leejtxiv nyob saumntuj foomkoobhmoov rau koj thiab koj tsevneeg.

Ob txojkev ua-neej

"Nkag musrau lub qhovrooj me, lub qhovrooj loj thiab dav, nws muaj ntauyam uas yuav coj mus raugkev puastsuaj, mas muaj coobleej ntau tus taug txojkev ntawd. Ntawm lub qhovrooj me, thiab txojkev nqaim yuav cojmus tau txojsia, yogli ntawd tsawg tus thiajli nrhiav tau xwb." Mavthais 7: 13-14

Two Ways of Life

"Enter by the narrow gate, for the gate is wide, and they way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and they way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it." Matthew 7: 13-14 

Tus hluas nplua-nuj

Tso ibpuas tsamyam ua yog koj tug tseg, ciali caum lawv Yexus qabmus. Mathais 19: 16-26

Tus hluas nplua-nuj

Vajtswv hlub ntiajteb

Vajtswv hlub hlub lub ntiajteb, Nws thiajtso Nws tibleeg Tub los...Yauhas 3: 16

Vajtswv hlub ntiajteb

Vajtswv txojlus

Thaum chivkeeb yog Txojlus, thiab Txojlus nrog Vajtswv, thiab Txojlus yog Vajtswv. Yauhas 1: 1

Vajtswv Txojlus