Cia leejtwg kav

Yog hais txog nqe lus no mas ib txhia xav tias yuav tsum cia lwm haiv neeg kav thiaj ruaj thiab muaj abtsi los luag yog cov tswj fwm mas thiaj tsis muaj teebmeeg. Tabsi cia peb los saib seb Vajtswv huab tais ntuj hais licas txoj nqe lus no.

1 Xasmuayees 8: 7-9; Thiab Vajtswv hais rau Xasmuayees, ”Mloog rau lub suab ntawd cov neeg rau qhov uas lawv hais rau koj, rau lawv tsis lees yuav koj, tabsi lawv twb tsis lees yuav kuv ua Vajntxwv kav lawv. Li txhua yam uas lawv ua tag txij hnub uas kuv coj lawv saum tim Iyiv tab txawv hnub no-nyob ntawd lawv twb tsis nco kuv thiab pe lwm tus Vajtswv ces lawv ua rau koj tib yam. “tabsi no ces, mloog lawv lub suab, “tiamsi, koj yuav hwvsam ceebtom lawv thiab qhia lawv txog tegnum ntawd Vajntxwv tus uas kav ntawd lawv. 1 Samuel 8: 7-9; And the Lord said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for “They have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them. “Like all the deeds which they have done since the day that I brought them up from Egypt even to this day-in that they have forsaken Me and served other gods - so they are doing to you also. “Now then, listen to their voice,” however, you shall solemnly warn them and tell them of the procedure of the king who will reign over them.

Peb los saib no uas rau peb paub tias hnub twg peb txaus siab cia lwmtus kav peb ces hnub ntawd Vajtswv tso peb tseg vim peb tsis txaus siab cia nws kav peb.Yog peb saib ntxiv mus peb yuav pom tias muaj teebmeem ntauv yam tshwm tuaj vim yog Vajtswv tso lawv tseg. Peb los kuj tib yam nkaus, hnub twb peb cia siab rau lwm tus kav peb ces hnub ntawd lau! Yog hnub peb yuav ntsib teebmeem ntauv yam tsis zoo ntawm peb txojkev ntseeg.

Peb hov los saib seb Tswv Yexus tus kheej hais licas thiab nyob rau Yauhas 15: 1-8; Kuv yog tsob hmab tseeb. Thiab kuv txiv yog tus Tswv Vaj. Nws txiav txhua tus ceg ntawd kuv uas tsis txi txiv, txhuas tus ceg uas tseem txi txiv nws tu kom haj yam txi txiv ntauv. Koj twb dawb huv lawm vim yog Kuv cov lus uas tau hais rau koj lawm. nyob hauv kuv, thiab kuv yuav nyob hauv koj. Tsis muaj tus ceg nws txi nws txiv tau; yuav tsum nyob hauv tsob hmab. Tab txawm koj los yeej txi tsis tau txiv yog tsis nyob hauv kuv. Yauhas 10: 1-3, 14; Kuv qhia tseeb rau koj , tus neeg uas tsis nkag ntawd lub qhov rooj yaj, es nce lwm qhov yog tub sab and tub nyiag. Tus neeg uas nws nkag ntawm lub qhog rooj yog tus Tswv ntawm nws pabyaj. Tus neeg saib qhib rooj vag rau nws. Thiab cov yaj mloog nws lub suab. Nws hu nws cov yaj npe thiab coj lawv tawm. Kuv yog tus Tswv yaj: Kuv paub kuv cov yaj thiab lawv paub kuv.

John 15:1-4; “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”

John 10: 1-3, 14; I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way is a thief and a robber. The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him. And the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep name and leads them out. I am the good shepherd: I know my sheep and my sheep knows me.

Zaum no peb paub lawm tias Tswv Yexus tus kheej yeej tsis tau kom peb mus nyob los yog cia leejtwg kav li, peb yuav tsum nyob rau hauv nws, nws thiaj paub peb thiab peb thiaj paub nws. Vim Tswv Yexus yeej paub meej tias muaj ib hnub ib puas tsam yam nyob puag ncig peb yuav hloov thiab txawv txa mas peb yuav ciali txaus siab cia lwm tus kav peb los yog mus zwm rau neeg ntiajteb rawv li peb txojkev xav nws thiaj hais nws tej lus cia kom peb cim ntsoov. Yog peb mus zwm los yog nyob rau lwm tus ces Tswv Yexus yeej yuav tsis lees paub peb, yog li tsis txhob ua rawv li peb lub siab xav tabsi ua rawv li Vajtswv txoj lus qhia. Peb hov los saib seb Xibhwb PovLauj hais licas thiab nyob rau Khaulauxais 3: 2-3; Nej yuav tsum muab siab npuab tej uas nyob saud, tsis yog yuav muab siab npuab tej uas nyob hauv ntiajteb no. Rau qhov nej zoo li cov neeg uas tuag lawm, Vajtswv muab nej txojsia zais nrog Yexus khetos ua ke. Txawm yog Xibhwb PovLauj los nws yeej hais kom peb muaj siab npuab tej ua nyob saud Vajtswv xwb thiab yog peb tuag nrog Tswv Yexus tiag tiag, peb yeej yuav tsis ntshawv ib puas tsam yam nyob puag ncig peb los yog ua lub neej rawv li peb lub siab xav.

Lus povthawj

Lus povthawj ua timcawv qhia txog Vajtswv Yexus lub fwjchim. Yog koj ntseeg, yuav pab tau koj.

Vajtswv muaj fwjchim

Vajtswv pab tau

Lus povthawj "Huas"

Lus txhawbzog

Lus txhawbzog hauv Vajtswv yog ibyam uas tuavrub tau koj lubsiab kom ntev.

Yuavcia leejtwg kav

Tus ntseeg txojkev ntseeg

Uacas tsis muajli ntiajteb

Ua neej rau Vajtswv

Kevntseeg raug quabyuam

Lus txhawbzog

Yuav cobqhia koj kom txawj nrog Vajtswv Yexus sibraug zoo ua tau lubneej nyob tshav ntujnrig.

Lubcev uas ntauscim

Yuav ualicas txog saumntuj

Ua-neej xavtau zooxwb

txobtxiv noj txawj tuag