Lub txiv noj txawj tuag

Yog ua cas lub neej tsaus tsawv txojkev txhaum thiab kev khwv? Los lus sawvdaws teb, vim Nkauj-iab noj lub txiv thaum chiv keeb es lub neej thiaj zoo li no, thiab vim Nkauj-iab tsis mloog lus es thiaj ua rau sawvdaws puaj tsuaj. Peb los saib seb Vajtswv txojlus hais li cas txog nqe lus no.

Nyob Chivkeeb 2: 9, 16-17; 3: 1-7; Thiab Vajtswv tsim txhua yam ntoo loj hauv av tuaj – ntoo zoo ntxim nyiam thiab zoo noj. Nyob rau hauv plawv Vaj yog tsob ntoo sia ntev thiab tsob ntoo paub qhov zoo thiab phem. Thiab Vajtswv txwv tus txiv neej, “Koj noj tau txhua tsob ntoo nyob hauv Vaj tabsi koj yuav tsum tsis txhob noj tsob ntoo paub qhov zoo thiab phem, yog koj noj nws koj yeej yuav tuag. Nab yog tus txawj ntxias duav txhua yam tsiaj qus uas Vajtswv tsim. Nws hais rau tus pojniam, “Puas yog Vajswv hais tseeb, Koj txhob noj txhua tsob ntoo hauv Vaj?” Tus pojniam hais rau tus nab,” Wb noj tau cov txiv ntawm cov ntoo nyob hauv Vaj, tabsi Vajtswv yeej hais, Koj yuav tsum tsis txhob noj cov txiv ntawm tsob ntoo nyob hauv plawv Vaj, thiab koj yuav tsum tsis txhob kov, ces koj yuav tuag”. “Koj yeej tsis tuag,” tus nab hais rau tus pojniam. “Vim Vajtswv paub tias thaum koj noj nws koj qhov muag yuav qhib, thiab koj yuav zoo li Vajtswv paub qhov zoo thiab phem.” Thaum tus pojniam pom tias lub txiv ntawm tsob ntoo noj tau thiab zoo ntxim nyiam, thiab xav kom tau kev ntsev, nws dev ib cov txiv thiab noj. Nws muab ib cov rau nws tus txiv. Uas nrog nws thiab nws noj. Ces ob lub qhov muag ciali qhib, thiab nkawv paub tias nkawv liab qab, ces nkawv xaws nplooj txiv cev uake thiab ua vov nkawv.

Genesis 2: 9, 16-17; 3: 1-7; And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden. But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die”. Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, you must not eat from any tree in the garden?” The woman said to the serpent, ”We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die”. “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband. Who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized that they were naked, so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Peb los saib Vajtswv txojlus peb pom tias Nkauj-iab noj lub txiv ntawm twb yog vim nws pom lub txiv ntawm noj tau thiab ntxim nyiam thiab hov pab kom ntsev, nws thiaj noj. Tabsi thaum nkawv noj tag lawm nkawv lub qhov muag qhib pom yam phem xwb, nkawv pom nkawv liab qab ces nkawv thaij tau xaws nplooj los hnav. Thaum nkawv tsis tau noj tsob txiv paub qhov zoo thiab phem mas nyob dawb nyob dov xwb, tsis xaws nplooj los hnav los yeej tsis ua cas. Peb lub neej nimno los tib yam nkaus peb pheej niaj hnub liam tias vim Nkauj-iab peb lub neej thiaj zoo li no. Tabsi kom peb paub tias lub txiv Nkauj-iab noj ntawd peb tseem niaj hnub noj, nws yog kev txawj ntsev, nws yog kev npluav nuj, nws yog kev lomzem, nws yog kev ua nom ua tswv , nws yog kev zoo nkauj zoo nraug, nws yog kev ua thawj coj , nws noj kev ua noj kev haus, nws yog kev nkauj kev nraug thiab saib mas tej lus nws hais ntawd puavleej pab tau xwb tsis muaj ib lov dag li.

Tabsi kom peb paub meej meej tias thaum peb poob rau hauv nws lub xibteg thiab taug nws txojkev lawm mas, peb mam paub tias nyuab npaum licas. Vim txhua yam uas yog nws tug ntawd puavleej muaj nqi them tsis yog tau dawb. Tus nqi uas yuav them ntawd tsis yog nyaij txiag tabsi yog peb txojsia. Nws xav tau peb txojsia, nws thiaj ua txhua yam kom tau peb, peb pom xwb los peb ciali txaus siab rau, peb hnov xwb los peb ciali cia siab rau, txhuaj lov lus nws hais tawm tuaj ciali ua rau peb txiav txiv siab tamsi tsis tos xav los yog soj ntsuam li.

Yog li peb yuav ua licas peb thiaj to taub paub xaiv thiab txiav txiv txhob noj lub txiv ntawd ntxiv? Nyog rau 1 yauhas 5: 5; Leejtwg thiaj yuav kovyeej tau ntiajteb. Tus uas ntseeg hais tias, Yexus yog Vajtswv tus Tub, tus ntawd yuav kovyeej tau ntiajteb. 1 Yauhas 2: 16-17; Ib puas tsav yam uas yog ntiajteb li, tsis hais tej uas neeg lub siabphem ntshaw, tej uas qhovmuag pom thiab xav yuav, txhua yam hauv ntiajteb uas neeg qhuas hais tias, tseemceeb, tej ntawd puavleej yog ntiajteb litsis yog Leejtxiv li. Lub ntiajteb thiab ib puas tsav yam hauv ntiajteb uas neeg ntshaw tabtom yuav dua mus, tiamsis cov neeg ua raws li Vajtswv lub siab nyiam lawv yuav nyob mus ib txhis. 1 Kaulinthaus 2: 15; Tus uas muaj Vajtswv tus Ntsujplig, tus ntawd yeej paub hais tias, yam twg muaj nqis yam twg tsis muaj nqis. Tiamsis tsis muaj leejtwg ntsuas tautus ntawd lub siab. Zaum no peb paub lawm tias yuav ua li cas thiaj khiav dhau lub txiv ntawd.

Lus povthawj

Lus povthawj ua timcawv qhia txog Vajtswv Yexus lub fwjchim. Yog koj ntseeg, yuav pab tau koj.

Vajtswv muaj fwjchim

Vajtswv pab tau

Lus povthawj "Huas"

Lus txhawbzog

Lus txhawbzog hauv Vajtswv yog ibyam uas tuavrub tau koj lubsiab kom ntev.

Yuavcia leejtwg kav

Tus ntseeg txojkev ntseeg

Uacas tsis muajli ntiajteb

Ua neej rau Vajtswv

Kevntseeg raug quabyuam

Lus txhawbzog

Yuav cobqhia koj kom txawj nrog Vajtswv Yexus sibraug zoo ua tau lubneej nyob tshav ntujnrig.

Lubcev uas ntauscim

Yuav ualicas txog saumntuj

Ua-neej xavtau zooxwb

txobtxiv noj txawj tuag